Unsent Statement on CB Governor

7th March 2018 On Banking Concentration Under Indrajit Commaraswamy we are to see a major consolidation of the non-banking financial institutions in the country. We are currently also seeing a huge recapitalization of the banking industry. I have many issues with the current Central Banker but feel that on an overall balance he is doing ... Read More

York Holdings Share Consolidation

This was the final email I sent to Mrs Nilupa Perera, Head of Trading,Market Surveillance & Corporate Affairs, on this matter. I would have held more shares in order to benefit from the consolidation but sadly I had not read the corporate disclosure. Her response was to reiterate the corporate disclosure. From: Dinesh Perera [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, ... Read More

My First of many 3rd Class Essays at Uni

Lecturer: Essay Question-“Offering Work Life Balance Programs will result in positive outcomes for organizations and for employees.” Critically evaluate this statement using theory and evidence from the research literature. Dinesh (Thinking to himself): I shall not be put to the task of writing a truism. Dinesh: The statements only failing is in its choice of words. Appropriate ... Read More

Trying to be funny on Event Registration

Event registration is more than just a formality with certain organizers.  I remember signing up as and when I received the email. They did not like the fact that I placed my occupation as ‘rightful king’ or wording to that effect. Subject:Re: Participant registration for Chevening alumni event – September 21 From:[email protected] To:[email protected] Date:Wednesday, September ... Read More

Failed Attempt to Stifle an Amalgamation

What follows is the last of many emails to the CSE, CBSL, Company Secretary, Respective Chairmen, and Department of Registrar of Companies to delay an amalgamation of two companies. Namely Richard Pieris Finance and Chilaw Finance. The manner in which it was done saw shareholders lose their stake and be paid a consideration in compensation. ... Read More

CSE Calling for Comments on the Watch List

This was an email I sent to the CSE when they were calling for comments on proposed changes to the Watch List. I thought the matter to be trivial. The link referred to in the email is broken. I now regret having drafted this email so poorly. It lacks structure and purpose. Subject:CSE Listing Requirements ... Read More

Commercial Bank and it's Divestment of Commercial Development

Commercial Bank is looking to divest its stake in Commercial Development. Both companies are listed and as such fall within the purview of the SEC. The SEC has under a very misguided policy decided in a very specific sense what the public float of a particular company should be. This policy is highly misguided as ... Read More


People close to my work ask me why I would decide to go public at this stage. I deal with very strong vested interests and as such it would be dangerous for me to publicly compile my work. I like Ranil and Sri Wickrema Rajasinghe am not scared. Also Verite Research challenged me to do ... Read More

The Archival Begins

  The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/edmund_burke_377528