What’s Sajith stance?

What is Sajith’s position? For those genuinely interested in how Sajith might have managed the crisis differently, there is one main source of information, which is fortunately available on YouTube[i]. To minimize bias in my summary, I used ChatGPT to provide an overview. ChatGPT Summary In his speech, Sajith Premadasa outlines his solution to Sri ... Read More

Learning from Israel

Also published at https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/from-israel-to-sri-lanka-the-political-power-of-the-defense-agenda/ Presidential politics are bad, particularly how it intertwines with the presidential system and the central role of defense and violence in maintaining political power. This examination is not a critique of foreign policy in isolation but a broader analysis of the mechanics of political authority within the presidential framework of the ... Read More

Sequenced to a Premadasa Presidency

The Prince of Kandy Also published at https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/sequenced-to-a-premadasa-presidency/ Having written multiple pieces, a few in which I have labelled Sajith Premadasa ‘the son of a mass murderer’, I think it is important to raise what I feel to be real concerns with the recent events. I contend that the recent events have all been sequenced ... Read More

Coming together means forming consensus

The Prince of Kandy Going to the IMF and letting them decide the policy is not what the general public want. As the formerly brave patriotic forces that littered our opinion space seem to have lost their voice let us take it upon ourselves to outline a policy alternative. Put as simply as possible; the ... Read More

My actions impact the equilibrium

The Prince of Kandy In the study of certain subjects, there are certain universal truths that teachers try to instil in their students. In medicine there is ‘first do no harm’, in accounting there is the notion of double-entry, and in economics (and important to this piece) there is the concept of demand and supply. ... Read More

Against the consensus view

The Prince of Kandy Given the recent passing of Mangala Samaraweera, it is important to set out at least a few things so as to show disagreement with the consensus view. Samaraweera was a polarizing figure with his stance on ethnic reconciliation drawing adoration from some and hatred from others. Here I will contend that ... Read More

Shall we decide?

The Prince of Kandy Also published at https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/shall-we-decide/ This is being written in two veins. One to point out the massive corporate hypocrisy of our media landscape. Secondly and most importantly to at least maintain the adversarial façade of our political landscape. Rajandram Rajamahendran was not a nice man. His achievements in cricket are mainly ... Read More

Sounding poor

The Prince of Kandy Also available at https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/sounding-poor/ We live in a nation where actual political choice, which lies between the SJB and SLPP, have at least from a media image perspective pivoted themselves to the lower ranks along our socio-economic spectrum. The two major parties in rhetoric pander to the poor. This takes the ... Read More

Colombo’s property woes

The Prince of Kandy Also available at https://www.ft.lk/opinion/Colombo-s-property-woes/14-718614 Though the media and financial players in Sri Lanka will not openly admit it, we are in the middle of a property crisis. The benchmark of Commercial Property in Sri Lanka the World Trade Centre (Overseas Realty PLC) has dropped to about 80% occupancy levels from levels ... Read More